Lately, our baby has been looking a little freaky. When he's not jamming his whole hand full of fat fingers into his mouth, he's taking the lazy oral fixation route. He simply sucks on his bottom lip. Perfectly understandable, not having any teeth. Combined with his frequent surprised state makes a pretty funny faced baby.
Holding true to our "nearly everything for Jasper off of Craigslist instead of retail" policy, we got the little guy an exersaucer. He hasn't really taken to tummy time, or turning over, sitting up, or crawling. Instead, he just wants to stand and jump while swing his arms around.
Here, Jasper is standing in his exersaucer, making his exclamation sounds and smiling at anyone who'll stop blogging long enough to play with him.
A couple animated gestures from mom or dad and Jasper doubles over with laughter - hiding his face and flirting. And then it's back to flipping the pages of his "book" and accidentally spinning the crystal ball.
Do you know this doggy?
turns out the doggie was from four doors down - new renters.